(319) 432-7948
(319) 432-7948

Contact Us

We are located in the Plaza Centre One Building in downtown Iowa City's pedestrian mall only blocks from the Johnson County Courthouse.

Our Address
125 S. Dubuque St. Ste 580
Iowa City, IA 52240
Phone: (319) 432-7948
Fax: (319) 887-3687

Map and Directions

Parking: As our office is located in a pedestrian only area of Iowa City, we advise you to park in the downtown Iowa City Sheraton parking ramp located at the corner of Burlington St. and Dubuque St. We are a short walk from the parking ramp through the public walkway of the Sheraton Hotel. Once you exit the Sheraton Hotel you will immediately see Plaza Center One, a large 5 story brick building. Our office is on the 5th floor of Plaza Centre One. Metered parking is also available along most streets in downtown Iowa City.

At Hayes Lorenzen Biderman Lawyers, PLC we provide a free initial consultation in all cases, and in our civil tort cases (medical malpractice, personal injury/wrongful death, product liability, and motor vehicle auto accident cases) there are no legal fees unless we recover damages on your behalf.

To contact us by email please complete and submit the following form. To contact Mike Biderman about a criminal defense issue contact him either by email or by phone at (319) 432-7948.

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Hayes Lorenzen Lawyers, PLC.

Tel: (319) 432-7948
Fax: (319) 887-3687

Our Address
125 S. Dubuque St. Ste 580
Iowa City, IA 52240

Map and Directions

Hayes Lorenzen Biderman Lawyers, PLC proudly serves clients throughout Iowa, including Johnson County, Linn County, Polk County and Black Hawk County.

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